What is MINDA Weights?
MINDA Weights is a tool designed to help you monitor young stock (24 months and younger) and track their weight/weight gain. It allows you to proactively manage their progress and identify any animals falling behind. MINDA Weights is split out into 3 areas:
Young Stock Overview
Weigh Range
Manage Animals
To record liveweights for animals you can either record a Liveweight Event or import liveweights using the import tool.
What is a weighing?
A weighing is any female animal (24 months and younger) which has had a liveweight recorded. There isn't a minimum number of animals in a weighing so it could range from 1 animal to 100. Animals are split into year born groups (autumn & spring) which you can select using the filter on the top left.
Young Stock Overview
The Young stock trend graph allows you to see if your animals are on track to reach their target weights. By taking the average liveweight (for the group of animals in the selected weighing) and plotting it against a target line, you can see how if your animals will reach their target weight in the lead up to mating and calving.
Weight Ranges
The Weight Ranges graph breaks down the group of animals at the selected weighing and adds them to an above target, ideal or underweight category. Each bar represents a different weighing date so you can compare trends over time
Manage Animals
The Animal performance graph takes individual animals from the selected weighing and shows their weight as a percentage of their ideal weight compared to their forecast at planned start of calving. Animals are then split into 4 categories including:
On track
This lets you see how individual animals compare against their ideal targets and focus on animals which may need more attention.
How often should I weigh my heifers
Consistent weigh-ins are ideal for heifers (every 4-8 weeks) as you can monitor growth and spot issues early on. For more information on how often you should weigh young stock, check out DairyNZ's Heifer Weighing article.