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How to import Liveweights

Learn how to import Liveweights into MINDA

Neissa avatar
Written by Neissa
Updated this week

Using MINDA, you can import Liveweights for your animals. When importing Liveweights, you'll need to know:

  • Date the animal(s) were weighed

  • Animal ID

  • Liveweight of the animals


  • Animal ID must be Cow number, BID or EID (If using EID make sure there is a space after the first 3 numbers i.e. 123 456789012345).

  • Date must be formatted DD/MM/YYYY or DD/MM/YY using either a "/" or "."

How do I import Liveweights?

Select Event Recorder from the dashboard and then select Import. Next go through the steps on screen.

Step 1. Select the Event type & file

When you first head into the Import tool, choose Liveweight as your event type.

Next choose a weigh name or add a new one by typing the name and then select your import file.

Important: If you have 2 groups of animals that were weighed on the same day but you want them split out in MINDA Weights, make sure you record the 2 groups separately with different weigh name.

Tip: If you're having trouble with your import file, try our Liveweight template.

Step 2. Review file headers

Using the drop down options, match the headers with the columns in your import file. The headers you'll need to match are:

  • Animal ID

  • Date

  • Liveweight

Note: If your import file contains a header row, make sure you tick File contains a header row.

Step 3. Validate and edit

MINDA will check your import file and if there are any issues, rows with invalid information will be highlighted. Depending on the number of invalid rows, you can either:

  1. Fix them from within the Import tool

  2. Download the invalid rows file at the end

Tip: To fix invalid rows, type into the boxes and add the correct information.

Step 4. Review file headers

Review the Events you're about to import. If you need to edit anything, use the Previous button otherwise click Finish.

Your Events should now show in the Holding Pen where you can approve them.

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