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Manage Animals

Learn more about the Manage Animals tab in MINDA Weights

Neissa avatar
Written by Neissa
Updated over 3 months ago

What is the Animal performance graph?

The Animal performance graph shows how animals are currently preforming and if they're on track to meeting their ideal target weights. The graph uses the animals current and forecasted weight (at planned start of calving PSC) to work out the percentage it is either above or below its ideal weight. There are 4 categories animals can fall into:

  1. Monitor

  2. On track

  3. Acton

  4. Recovering

To see a detailed breakdown of animals in each category, click on a category and see the table below the graph.

How do I read the Animal performance graph?

The Animal performance graph has 4 quadrants which are divided by the Weights Gain Compared to Ideal (%) & Weights Compared to Ideal (%) axis. Each blue dot represents an animal and is plotted using the animals current weight, liveweight gain and forecasted weight at PSC. Each axis has positive and negative percentages allowing you to see if animals are currently above or below their ideal weight target and how they're tracking for PSC.

Animal performance breakdown

  1. Click on any of the dots to see the animal details, liveweight gain and percentage above or below their ideal targets. The animal will also be highlighted on the table (4).

  2. There are 4 categories in the Animal Performance graph:

    • Monitor: Animals that are currently above ideal but are gaining too slowly to meet their targets.

    • Action: Animals that are currently underweight but gaining too slowly to meet target. These animals require immediate action.

    • On Track: Animals that are currently above ideal and will be above target by PSC.

    • Recovering: Animals that are lighter than ideal but based on their current rate of gain, are trending towards being on track to meet their target weight by PSC.

  3. The Weights Gain Compared to Ideal % (vertical line) shows if an animal is currently above or below it's ideal target weight. The Weights Compared to Ideal % (horizontal line) shows if an animal is forecasted to be above or below their ideal target weight at PSC.

  4. The table shows more detailed information for animals in each quadrant. If you click on an animal in the table, it'll show specific details about the animal including days since last mating, target weights etc. Click on any of the headings to sort the table.

How do I change the weighing information I'm looking at?

Using the filters on the top left you can update the weighing by choosing:

  • Age Group (Autumn or Spring born animals)

  • Weighing date

  • Breed

Note: As you change the filters, the graph will update all the weighings to include the same animals as the weighing you're viewing. This gives you a like for like comparison.


Using the Export Animal Information button, you can export a CSV file which contains more detailed information on your animals weighing history, targets etc. If you just want to print the Animal performance graph, use the Print button.

Things to keep in mind

  • Animals will need at least 2x weighings to show in the Animal performance graph.

  • Only female animals are shown in the Animal performance graph. Male animals are excluded.

  • If you've purchased animals into your herd, any liveweights they had recorded in the previous herd will not show on the Animal performance graph.

  • Data will only show in this graph if there are two weighings for the animal. This is because the Animal Performance graph needs at least 2x weighings for comparison.

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