What is the Young stock trend graph?
The Young stock trend graph takes the average liveweight (for the group of animals in the selected weighing) and plots it against a target line. The graph also shows the Planned start of mating (PSM) & Planned Start of calving (PSC) so you can see if your animals are on track to reach their target weights in the lead up to mating and calving.
How do I read the Young stock trend graph?
The Young stock trend graph shows weights on the left and the animals age (in months) along the bottom. Each weighing is shown on the graph as either a blue dot or a diamond. The diamond represents your selected weighing and the blue dots are past weighings. The blue line is the ideal target for your animals so you can keep track of your animals progress in the lead up to mating.
Young stock trend breakdown
Click on the diamond or any of the dots to see how many animals were included each weighing and their average weight.
The Planned Start of Mating (PSM) is shown as a vertical line.
The blue line represents the ideal liveweight target for your animals and is calculated using each animals Liveweight BV.
The planned start of calving (PSC) is calculated using the PSM + 282 days and shown as a vertical line.
If you'd like to print the Young stock trend graph, click Print as shown below. This will download a PDF copy of the report.
How do I change the weighing information I'm looking at?
Using the filters on the top left you can update the weighing by choosing:
Age Group (Autumn or Spring born animals)
Weighing date
Note: As you change the filters, the graph will update all the weighings (blue dots) to include the same animals as the weighing you're viewing (diamond). This gives you a like for like comparison.
Things to keep in mind
Only female animals are shown in the Young stock trend graph. Male animals are excluded.
If you've purchased animals into your herd, any liveweights they had recorded in the previous herd will not show on the Young stock trend graph.
Because all animals in the weighing have the same target mating date, they are given the same the birth date. This means younger animals will need to work harder to reach their target weight compared to older animals.