What is the Mating Tab?
The Mating tab gives you a detailed overview of your submission rates and shows you the effectiveness of heat detection accuracy on farm. The Mating tab is made up of the following graphs/tables:
The importance of Submission Rates
Submission rates are a useful tool for assessing the effectiveness of your heat detection management. Industry benchmarks suggest herds should aim for a 90% submission rate. If your rates are lower, the Heat Detection Strategy article by DairyNZ outlines two common reasons for low submission rates:
Your cows are showing heat normally but you are not detecting them
You have lots of ‘non-cyclers’ in your herd that are not showing heat normally
To find out more on where you can see your submission rates in MINDA, check out the submission rate graphs/insights.
The importance of heat detection
Accurate heat detection can significantly influence your herds reproductive performance. According to Dairy NZ, around a quarter of seasonal calving herds might be underperforming due to heat detection errors.
Using MINDA, you can review your submission rates and return intervals to see if your heat detection strategy requires any refinement.
How do I change which season & group the mating tab is looking at?
Using the filters on the top left you can update the mating tab by choosing
Group of animals
Note: If you notice an additional season in the drop down options i.e. Spring 2024 and Autumn 2024, it means you have too large of a gap between matings. MINDA Repro will then consider those matings as part of the autumn mating group.
To print, use the Print button on the top right of any of the graphs. This saves a copy of the graph as a PDF which you can print.