What is the Submission Rates by Age graph?
The Submission Rates by age graph allows you to compare different age groups and see the impact older cows may be having on overall herd performance. The graph on the left shows the portion of Eligible Cows that were 2, 3, 4-8, 9+ years old at the Mating Start Date (MSD) while the graph on the right shows their submission rates.
How do I read the Submission Rates by Age graph?
The Submission Rates by Age graph shows age groups on the left and your submission rates on the right. The grey line is your whole herds daily cumulative submission rate while the dotted line represents industry targets. When you select the colours on the left (or in the table), the cumulative submission rate for that age group will be added to the submission rate graph (shown in the same colour) for you to compare. The table below provides a more detailed breakdown of submission rates for each age group for the first 3 weeks of mating.
Submission Rates by Age breakdown
The portion of cows that were 2, 3, 4-8, 9+ years old at the Mating Start Date. These are the different age groups that you can add or remove (by clicking on the different colours) to the submission rate graph.
The grey line represents your herds daily cumulative submission rate.
The dotted line represents industry targets.
The table gives you a breakdown of submission rates for each age group through the first 3 weeks of mating. The age groups broken down into:
2 year olds
3 year olds
4-8 year olds
9+ year olds
The animal count is the number of Eligible Cows that could potentially be mated in that season (also shown as a percentage).
Things to note
This graph can only be run on the Eligible Cows Group. If you see the message "The Submission Rate by Calving Pattern feature is only supported when the Eligible Cows (FFR) group is selected", you need to update the Group.
Cows removed from the herd in the first 21 days of the mating period are excluded.
Age groups are calculated using the animals age at the Mating Start Date. To see breakdown of the age groups Getting to know MINDA Reproduction - How are Age Groups calculated?