What is the Daily Submission Rates graph?
Using the Daily Submission Rates graph, you can review your 21 day submission rates and see how your herd is tracking. The Daily Submission Rates graph shows the percentage of Eligible Cows (or the selected group) that have been mated for the first time, to either an AB or natural mating, at the Mating Start Date (MSD) for each day of mating (up to six weeks).
How do I read the Daily Submission Rates graph?
The Daily Submission Rates graph shows submission rates on the left and your mating period along the bottom. The blue line is your herds daily cumulative submission rate while the dotted line represents industry targets. The blue diamond marks your 21st day of mating (3 weeks). If you click on the diamond, you'll see how you compare with industry targets and the number of cows submitted. You can also click anywhere on the graph to see this information for any given day. The table below provides a more detailed breakdown of submission rates for the first 3 weeks of mating.
Note: Until a Mating Start Date is calculated, the Daily Submission Rate graph will show the Planned Start of Mating. For more information on how these dates are calculated, check out the Getting to Know Reproduction article.
Daily Submission Rates breakdown
The Mating Start Date (MSD) is calculated once there are enough matings that meet the criteria.
The dotted line represents industry targets.
The blue line represents your herds daily cumulative submission rate.
Click on the diamond to see your 3 week submission rate and how that compares to industry targets.
View submission rates for Early Calved Mature Cows. These cows are expected to have submission rates of 95% or higher. To be included in this group, cows must be:
4-8 years old
In the herd on or after MSD
And calved more than 8 weeks before the MSD
The table shows a breakdown of submission rates for weeks 1, 2 and 3 compared with the previous 3 seasons. The animal count is the number of Eligible Cows that could potentially be mated in that season.
Things to note
If you see the message "There is insufficient detail in your mating records to report the submission rate for this herd at this time. Ensure your mating records are up to date for the season selected" it means your calving info needs updating i.e. if you've entered bulk calvings, you need to change this and add actual calving dates.
The Daily Submission Rates graph needs the following days mating info before it can show the current days submission rate. This means the final day will not show on this graph.
Cows removed from the herd in the first 21 days of the mating period are excluded.