Rules based Groups

Understanding Rules based Groups

Neissa avatar
Written by Neissa
Updated over a week ago

What is a Rules based Group?

Rules Groups are where you use attributes to set parameters and filters to only show specific animals. I.e. say you only wanted a Group of your empty cows so to do this, create a Rules based Group and use the Attribute Pregnancy Diagnosis to only show cows which have a pregnancy diagnoses of empty. Depending if animals match the rules, they'll automatically drop in or out of the Group.

How do I create a Rules based Group?

Head into Herd Management > Groups and create a Rules based Group using the Add a Group button. Select Rules Based and go through the different screens and enter:

  1. Group name

  2. Which Group your new Group will be based off

  3. Attributes you want to see in the Group

  4. Filters you would like to set

Once you're in the Group, you can add more Attributes and filters to narrow down the animals you'd like to see. To learn more about adding Attributes, read our article Attributes.

How do I use filters?

To add filters, click on the 3 lines near the Attribute name and select Filter. Depending on the type of filter you have, the way you update them might be a little different.

For example, some filters are interactive so you can click and highlight an area or enter in values. In the example below, you can either highlight the age of animals you would like to include or adjust this in the boxes below. With other filters, you just need to pick from the available options.

Note: You only add a maximum of 6 filters per Group.

What can I do with a Rules based Group?

Once you're happy with your Rules based Group you can export, print a Group Checklist use it to add Events, Draft animals, create reports etc. Check out our articles Utilising Groups & Getting to know Groups which covers everything you can do with Groups.

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