Depending on what you prefer, there are a few different ways to create Groups in MINDA. You can add Groups:
Using the Add a group button in Groups
Importing a CSV or txt file
Duplicating an existing Group
Copying an existing Group to a PYO
Splitting a Group
Create a PYO using Save As in Reports
Add a Group
In Herd Management > Groups you can create either a PYO or Rules Based Group using the Add a Group button. You'll need to go through the different screens and enter:
Group name
Which Group your new Group will be based off
Filters (if creating a rules Group)
If you already have a list of animals, you can import either a CSV or .txt file into MINDA to create a PYO Group. In your import file, you'll need 1 of the following animal ID's:
Cow number
Note: The animals you're importing must already be in your herd. Importing does not add animals into your MINDA records.
From within Groups use the Import a Group button and then choose your import file.
MINDA then checks this and if there are any issues, you'll see the message below.
Tip: Click the link above to see which animals couldn't be imported.
Duplicating, Copying & Splitting
Using Groups, you can download, export, copy Groups etc using the Actions button. Depending on the type of Group you have, each of these options will be different. There are 3 options which create new Groups. They are:
Duplicate any Group and and retain the Group type i.e. if you're duplicating a Rules Group, it will create a new Rules Group.
Copying to PYO
Copy any Group (other than a PYO Group) to create a new PYO Group.
Split a Group into a maximum of 5 sub-groups using 1 Attribute. Once you split the Group, it will create new PYO sub-groups as well as a master split Group.
Within some reports, you can use the Save As option to create a new PYO Group. Head into a report which has this option and click Save As > Create new PYO and then give your Group a name. Once you've saved your Group, head into Herd Management > Groups to see it.
Note: The Save As option also allows you to add animals to an existing PYO Group.