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Understanding the MINDA & NAIT integration

Neissa avatar
Written by Neissa
Updated over 9 months ago

The NAIT (National Animal Identification and Tracing) system was created with the purpose of providing fast and accurate tracing of animals to support disease management in New Zealand. To reduce double handling of animal information, the MINDA & NAIT integration allows animal movements in MINDA to update NAIT.

How does the integration work?

When you opt in for LIC to be your NAIT information provider, there are 5 MINDA Events that update NAIT records. When recording any of these Events, there will be an extra step to fill out dates, NAIT locations etc which are all sent to NAIT. Its important to remember that updates are only sent from MINDA to NAIT not NAIT to MINDA. These Events are:

  1. Calving (with reared progeny)

  2. Removal

  3. Purchase

  4. NAIT Movement

  5. Assign/Replace EID

If you have animals on farm which aren't in your MINDA records i.e. feeder calves, bull calves etc but you'd like to manage their NAIT registration and movements through MINDA, you can use NAIT only Events. There are 3 NAIT only Events including:

  1. Register Animals

  2. Remove Animals

  3. Feeder Calf

These Events will keep you NAIT compliant without having to jump between 2 systems.

Once Events have been approved, MINDA sends updates to NAIT every 2 hours, on the even hour (2am, 4am etc) so any Events recorded between those times will be sent at the next applicable time.

Tip: Turn on notifications in NAIT so you can keep track of events that have been sent from MINDA.

How do I set up the integration?

There are 2 steps when linking your MINDA & NAIT accounts.

  1. Opting in

  2. Adding LIC as an information provider

Opting in

To opt in for LIC to be your NAIT information provider, you'll need to complete the opt in form on the LIC website. Just have your PTPT code and customer number handy. If your NAIT location changes at any point, you'll need to complete this form again.

To check if you have opted in or not, head into the Partners page. If you see the green Opted in status, it means you're good to go!

If you see the Opt in button, it means you haven't opted in for LIC to be your NAIT information provider. To opt in, click the button and fill out the opt in form on the LIC website.

Important: MINDA will start updating NAIT once you've opted in. If you have any concerns with movements created in NAIT prior to the opt in date, get in touch with NAIT.

Adding LIC as an information provider

Once you've completed the opt in form, you'll need to add LIC as an information provider in NAIT. To do this, check out OSPRI's help guide.

Note: Only 1 NAIT location can be opted in per PTPT code. If you have a NAIT location i.e. your grazier which you'd like to send updates on behalf of, you'll need to fill out this Act On behalf of form.

NAIT management within MINDA

Along with Events that update NAIT, there are a few other features in MINDA that help with keeping you NAIT compliant.


The yellow NAIT Groups show the current NAIT location of your animals in MINDA.

It's important to check the animals in your NAIT Group reflect what's showing in NAIT. To check the current location of animals in your NAIT Group, add the EID Attribute, export as a .CSV then import into NAIT.

Tip: Check your Animals without an EID Group to make sure you have no animals without EID's.


If there are any NAIT related errors for approved Events, the PICA will receive an automated email from our NAIT Admin Team. Its important to read these emails carefully as they contain the information our NAIT Admin Team need to help you fix any issues.

Tip: If you need help understanding the email, get in touch with the NAIT Admin Team on [email protected]

Managing NAIT Locations

In MINDA you can add commonly used NAIT locations i.e. your grazier etc. To learn how to manage your NAIT locations, check out the Managing NAIT Location article.

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