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Partners Page

View and manage your integration partners in one place

Neissa avatar
Written by Neissa
Updated over 8 months ago

The Partners page is a new space where you can view available MINDA integrations, connect with new partners and manage existing connections. As we continue expanding our integration network, you’ll see new partners added to this page!

How can I view the Partners page?

Head into Manage Access then select Manage Partners.

This opens the Partners page which shows available integration partners that you can connect with. We're busy working with new partners so keep an eye out for more to come!

How do I connect with a partner?

That's easy! Click on the connect button and follow the on screen instructions. Each partner will be slightly different but essentially, you'll need to sign in with either your MINDA or integration partner details to connect. Once you've connected, the status will update on the tile.

How do I manage my integrations?

This depends on the integration partner. Each integration is different therefore there may not be much to manage or you may have some additional settings. If there are any additional settings, you can view them by clicking on the 3 dots in the each of the tiles. You can also disconnect using the 3 dots.

For more information, check out our help guides to see available integration partners in MINDA.

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